How to Get Backlinks for Your Storage Facility From Your Local Community

Community Backlinks - little league game demonstrating community

Ranking in local search results is dependent on a number of factors, including good data, positive reviews and links from other websites. These inbound links from other sites are known as backlinks. When another site links to your website, Google sees that as your site having provided enough value or quality such that you've earned that backlink. Earning backlinks builds authority, where authority translates into increased visibility in search.

Following is a guide on earning backlinks from your local community. A storage facility is often part of the fabric of a local community. You and your fellow neighbors have trusted this facility to protect your belongings, be it grandma's silverware or an antique car or important business documents.

When you help your local families and community, you thus earn trust and authority that translates to better search engine rankings for your self storage facility. So first and foremost, we recommend you be an active part of your community - both online and offline.

Because the customer base for a self storage facility is so localized within a 3-5 mile radius of the facility, backlinks from other local websites carry a lot of weight. A self storage facility is part of a local community and Google understands this!

Facility operators should start by ensuring they've fully filled out profiles on the websites of any local organizations to which they belong. The local Chamber of Commerce is a likely candidate, and an owner/operator might also belong to a county Economic Development organization. Other possibilities include state and regional Self Storage Associations and regional private/public initiatives (for instance, The Storage Agency is a member of the California Self Storage Association and the Texas Self Storage Association).

Here are some additional ideas for local community backlinks:

  • Write a guest article for your local newspaper. You can write about local events and things to do, such as a festival, fair or blood drive. You might also profile a good citizen in the community who you know as a customer at your facility.

  • Sponsor a Little League team. We all know how much stuff you acquire when you have kids. Get some visibility for your self storage facility with a team sponsorship - be sure to agree on a link back from team website.

  • Issue a press release to the local paper and local bloggers. If you have something newsworthy to share, published releases with links are helpful, and can lead to additional press coverage, such as an interview or inclusion on a panel.

  • Donate a unit to a local non-profit. Many non-profits could use some extra storage, especially if they are seasonal, such as a homeless shelter. This may be particularly relevant in pandemic times. Reach out to your local Food Bank - they may welcome an in-kind donation!

  • Sign up for membership in affinity groups. If your facility offers RV and boat storage, for instance, join the local Boating Club or Yacht Club to gain visibility with a target audience.

  • Attend local tech and business meetups. Attendees may have a profile page on the website that organizes the event, such as As you get your name out there, you'll get referrals, while passively gaining authority from your backlinks you've earned by participating in your community.

  • Are you eco-friendly (such as LEED certified or powered by solar)? You can procure links from business directories and local news organizations who promote green businesses.

Engaging in your community can be personally enriching and provide opportunities for you to increase visibility for your self storage facility. That visibility online comes in the form of backlinks, which bestow authority. It's a virtuous cycle in which you grow as an organization by doing good locally. Give it a try, and let us know how its working for you!